Vashisht Products

Biochemic Tissue Salts

The Biochemic theory a naturally safe therapy.

Watch your new born baby the treasure of your affection and see how gradually he grows from his tiny body into a beautiful figure .You will surprise how from his helplessness he begins to roll, then how he tries to sit and crawl. After some days you see him tottering behind you and by his act you feel immense happiness. As years pass your joy finds no bounds when you see the same little helpless body has taken a shape having the same resemblance of his blessed parents. All this wonderful phenomenon about which your wandering is due to the act of certain organic and inorganic salts, which the body cells use for their growth, repair, wear and tear---These are now known as Dr Schussler Biochemic Tissue Salts.


Dr.Hahnemann was the first to investigate the pathogenic effects and therapeutic uses of some of these important salts and though it was announced in 1832 in StapfsArchiv.It was Dr Schuessler M.D. of Germany in 1873 who invented a new method of treatment of diseases by administering one or more of these salts in dynamised doses to which he named BIOCHEMIC METHOD OF TREATMENT.He says The dynamised or potentised inorganic substance are sufficient to the reestablish the deranged molecular movement of the same in the diseased condition of the body and are sufficient to heal all diseases which are curable at all.After years of clinical and chemical research he founded that the following minerals in correct proportion are very much essential to maintain GOOD HEALTH.


They are CALCAREA FLUORICA, CALCAREA PHOSPHORICUM, CALCAREA SULPHURICUM ,FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM, KALIUM MURIATICUM , KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM, KALIUM SULPHURICUM, MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA, NATRUM MURIATICUM , NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM , NATRUM SULPHURICUM , SILICEA.These minerals enter in our blood through the food we take, they act as body catalysts, they control physiological alkaline environment of the body cells and help Bio-current flow smoothly through them.They also control the blood alkanity and counteract the base acids thus formed by eating excess of acid forming foods.These inorganic minerals are essential for the proper growth,assimilation of the organic substances and development of every part of the body,should a deficiency occur in one or more of these substances some abnormal or diseased condition will arise.Every disease which effects humanity reveals lack of one or more of these inorganic cell salts.


Helath and strength can be maintained only so long as the system is properly supplied with these BIOCHEMIC TISSUE SALTS.


The Biochemic therapy a NATURALLY safe therapy. Biochemistry aids nature in her healing operation by supplying deficient tissue slats in the organism.Dr.Ruddock says strongly that elimination of tissue salts from our food stuff,which has been richly provided by nature is the prime cause of degeneration of tissue and main cause of several diseases.He further says no single constituent part of our food is capable of acting by itself alone and that one missing element may make the other partly or even wholly inefficient.


Available in 3x-6x-12x-30x & 200x potencies in 100mg and 500mg Packing Available 30Gms HDPE bottles ,100Gms and 500Gms pet container. Triurations in 450Gms pet container

  1. CALCAREA FLUORICA – Helps in case of decayed teeth,encysted or bony tumor,piles and fissures,prolapsed of uterus,varicose veins and cataract.
  2. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICUM – Helps in cases of fratures,spinalweakness,dyspepsia,anaemia,neuralagia,phosphaturea,nasal polyp.
  3. CALCAREA SULPHURICUM– Helpful in suppurative stages of boils,prostrategland,abscess,sorethroat,dandruff.
  4. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM – Helpful in first stage of all inflammations,pain,fever,conjunctivitispain in ear.
  5. KALIUM MURIATICUM – Helpful in second stage of all inflammatory conditions,boils,carbuncleserysepalis chicken pox,small ulcers in mouth.
  6. KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM – Helpful in cases of brainfag,mentaldepression,insomania,neurasthenia.
  7. KALIUM SULPHURICUM – Think about it in case of cough,dandruff,third stage of inflammatory condition,psoriasis.
  8. MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA – Helpful in ailments of spasmodic nature,cramps,neuralgia, headaches,menstrual colic.
  9. NATRUM MURIATICUM – Helpful in diseases caused by unequalization of water in the system,excessdryness,constipation,sunstroke,excessivesalivation,goiter,neuralgia.
  10. NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM – Helpful in gastric disorders,acidity,faltulences,threadworms,grinding teeth.
  11. NATRUM SULPHURICUM – Useful in liver disorders,gallstone,jaundice,poly urea.
  12. SILICEA – Useful in common acne,hairfall,fistula,corns.
  13. FIVE PHOS – Improves Immunity system.

Each cell salt has its own purpose in helping to bring body cells to a natural balance. All twelve taken in conjunction may help to retain that balance.


Calcarea Fluorica

Normal calcium plasma level range in healthy person 9.5-10.5 mg per 100ml. It assist normal blood circulation and the strengthening of blood vessels. Strengthens the elastic tissue of the ravid uterus, prevents after pains- tones up uterus ,makingpartitution easy. Useful during threatened abortion, varicose veins.


Calcarea Phosphoricum

This cell salt would be beneficial where digestion and nutrient assimilation are a problem. This may include growing children and those who do not put weight on easily. Loss in appetite during pregnancy, weakness during pregnancy. Improves mothers milk when its bad, acrid, sour child rejects it, it helps to increase the milk. It restorative after pregnancy - debilitated.


Calcarea Sulphate

Calcium Sulphate is a constituent of connective tissue, mucous membranes and skin. As a powerful blood purifier, it may assist in clearing the body of unwanted accumulations including skin eruptions It is useful for slow wound healing where inflammation or infection are evident. Useful during abortion.


Ferrum Phosphoricum

Normal range 14.5 mg (Iron phosphate) Iron definiciency caused by severe blood loss, malnutrition, infections, and excessive use of drugs and chemicals. Iron deficiency during pregnancy and childhood , Clinical manifestation–Breath holding spells and obesity. After delivery prevents inflammatory conditions—puerperal fever; - can be applied externally on lacerated parts, it reduces pain after delivery.


This cell salt has been referred to as the oxygen carrier because of its ability to carry oxygen to all the cells of the body for use in the conversion to energy. Ferrum Phosphate is used for proper absorption and utilization of iron and so it assist in the treatment of tiredness caused by anemia, and in cases where there is excessive loss of blood such as in wounds where copious amounts of blood are lost.


Kalium Muriaticum

Normal serum concentration of potassium is 20 mg, This cell salt may be useful for relieving mucus congestion during colds and sinusitis, or where there is an thick white or grayish colored discharges. It may be especially useful for problems such as sore throat, tonsillitis, catarrhal infections of the middle ear, thrush, pleurisy and for problems with swollen glands


Kalium Phosphoricum

Nervousness during pregnancy, Its useful during labor when pains are too weak , it hastens the labor, As a constituent of the nerve and brain cells, Potassium Phosphate is useful in nerve related illnesses such as emotional irritability, menopausal mood swings, depression, nervousness, children's tantrums, mental exhaustion and tiredness. It is useful in cases of insomnia where sleeplessness is due to the inability of the brain to 'slow down' and in cases of extreme stress.


Kalium Sulphate

The sulphate of potassium act as a catalyst in the absorption and distribution of oxygen and iron in the body. It builds up women who have been subject to abortion. It could be of some assistance where discharges have a yellowish or greenish appearance, especially from the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.


Magnesium Phosphoricum

Normal blood serum of magnesium 1.7 to 2.2 mg/dl. Cramps pains are the guiding symptom of the deficinancy of this mineral, which is attributed due to the weakening and rupture of the insulation over the nerves. The bathing of the bare uninsulted nerve in an acid environment is the cause of intense pain relieved by hot application. For crampy pains in hands & legs-- during labor, useful during eclampsiaHelps in ejection of retained placenta.


Natrum Muriaticum

The total sodium in our body is 235 gms. In body it ranges from 450-530 mg per 100 ml, its estimated that about 10 gms of sodium in form of Nacl is daily required for the proper maintance of Osmotic pressure, fluid balance, muscle irritability and acid base-balance. (Sodium chloride) Dysuria during pregnancy , labor pains slow it cheers up the patient. Useful after labor – mother feeble craves salt , lochia prolonged copious, this salt clears up restore the milk. This cell salt has been referred to as the 'water salt'. As a regulator of moisture in the cells it is useful in conditions where there may be too little or too much water (this does not include fluid retention).


Watery colds, tissue dryness, edema, excessive salivation and urination and the tendency to cry easily are all conditions where there may be an excess of water in the cells. Too little water may result in decreased amounts of digestive fluids, dry psoriasis, and inadequate lubrication of the vagina or constipation. People who need this cell salt often crave salt or become extremely thirsty.


Natrum Phosphoricum

Morning sickness nausea and vomiting Sodium Phosphate is helpful for maintaining the alkalinity of the blood. In people where there may be an excess of acidity this cell is of use include, arthritis, gout, gastric indigestion, dyspepsia an d heartburn. It might also be of some use to children who have been fed too much sugar, to some cases of nausea and also where intestinal worms are a problem.


Natrum Sulphate

The purpose of this cell salt is to balance the body's overall water content. It may be of assistance in cases of mild fluid retention as it encourages the kidneys to pass urine. Sodium Sulphate might also help in some cases of jaundice, biliousness, digestive discomfort and may even assist in dispelling the languid feelings often displayed during periods of humid weather. Lessens the secretion of Mother's milk when it is increased.



As a biochemic cleanser this cell salt may assist in the suppuration and elimination of waste. Silica may also be beneficial for relieving constipation. Improves mothers milk when its scanty - suppressed Indicated in women who tend to abort, due to weakness.

EXTERNAL USE : The remedies may be used for local application by mixing 10-20 gms of the medicine with Vaseline, glycerine or dry powder itself may be sprinkled in case of boils, carbuncles felons fistula etc can be applied for sprains , tumors abscess neuralgic pains , these external application hasten the cure.


Dr.Vashisht Natrum Phosphoricum Biochemic Tissue Salts 6x


Dr.Vashisht Silicea Biochemic Tissue Salts 6x


Dr.Vashisht Natrum Sulphuricum Biochemic Tissue Salts 6x


Dr.Vashisht Natrum Muriaticum Biochemic Tissue Salts 6x


Dr.Vashisht Magnesium Phosphoricum Biochemic Tissue Salts 6x


Dr.Vashisht Kalium Sulphuricum Biochemic Tissue Salts 6x


Dr.Vashisht Kalium Phosphoricum Biochemic Tissue Salts 6x


Dr.Vashisht Kalium Muriaticum Biochemic Tissue Salts 6x


Dr.Vashisht Calcarea Sulphuricum Biochemic Tissue Salts 6x


Dr.Vashisht Calcarea Phosphorica Biochemic Tissue Salts 6x


Dr.Vashisht Calcarea Fluorica Biochemic Tissue Salts 6x


Dr.Vashisht Ferrum Phosphoricum Biochemic Tissue Salts 6x